Coaching Q&A with Desi

Delegating for Interior Designers

Thursday, December 8th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central


Trying to do it all, all by yourself, is leaving you feeling drained and defeated.

As a former “control enthusiast” I know how hard it can feel to let go or even know what to let go of when you’re ready.

Join me for an exclusive 60 minute coaching Q&A where you can ask me anything about how to best use your time as the CEO, hire support, and delegate effectively. You’ll also get your questions answered to know if Out of Overwhelm is right for you. 

Effective delegation impacts everything, including:


✓ Being able to step away from the business.

✓ Your client experience and deliverables.

✓ Growing your business and your profit.

✓ Having time to do more of what you love.


Delegation in your interior design business is amazing, and you also want to do it with intention. During this free Q&A you’ll learn the number one question you need to ask yourself so that you can delegate in a way that increases your ROI. 

Whether you’ve never delegated, want to better utilize existing support, or you’re ready to start outsourcing even more, this single question is how you’ll get clear on what to delegate and who to delegate to. 

You’ll also have the opportunity to get coached, ask questions, and I’ll share more about how you can take this work to the next level.


This 60 Minute Coaching Q&A Is For Two Things:  

1: To ask ANY burning questions you have about delegation or freeing up your time. Not sure what to ask? Sing up and I’ll send you a few prompts. Watch others be coached or raise your hand to talk to me live. 

2: To ask ANY questions you have about my program Out of Overwhelm (click here for full program details). 

Mark Your Calendar

Thursday, December 8th, 11:00am - 12:00pm Central

✓ Ask me your burning questions.

✓ Decide you’re ready to make a change.

✓ Free up your time to do more of what you love.  


Click the button below to sign up.
Can’t join me live? Be sure to sign up so that you’ll receive the replay.