December 1st at 11 am CST










Goal Setting for Busy Interior Designers 

How to Hit Any Goal without feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed


Date: Thursday, December 1st
Time: 11-12:30pm Central
Location: Virtual
Investment: $27
Replay Available until Monday, December 5th at 11:59pm Central

It’s the end of another year and you’re tired of setting goals only to get overwhelmed and quit once again. As a busy interior designer, you’re running from one jobsite to the next, wearing all of the hats, and lacking focus because every day you’re pulled in a million directions. 

I get it, I used to be a stretched-thin interior designer too.

It goes like this.

  • A client calls and there goes your CEO time, again.
  • You vaguely remember setting a goal last year but you’re so overwhelmed with the daily grind it’s now a distant memory.
  • You continue to tell yourself you’ll get to that important project next week (but we all know how that ends…)

When you’re on the hamster wheel, making space to intentionally work toward your goals feels like just another thing on an endless to-do list. So the systems you want to create, publications you want to pitch, and dreams of a long vacation keep getting pushed to the “someday” pile.

You begin to lose sight of the business you set out to create - the one where you’re profitable, working on projects you love, and enjoying your life. The business starts running you. You must stop trading the urgent for the important and now is the time to learn to do just that.

In Goal Setting for Busy Interior Designers: How to Hit Any Goal without Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed, you’ll learn my 5 step goal creation process. You’ll know how to set the right type of goals, follow through with focus, and create exactly what you want in your life and business. Even if you’re crazy busy.


In Goal Setting for Busy Interior Designers you’ll:

  • Finally understand why goal setting hasn’t worked for you in the past - the methods are the problem - no YOU!
  • Learn how to move forward with a clear path even when self-doubt and second guessing strikes.
  • Empower yourself with the solutions to the most common obstacles that prevent you from reaching your goals such as not knowing where to start, getting distracted by shiny pennies, and fear of failure.
  • Learn my 5 step process that will take you from setting the goal to completing the goal in a simple, doable way - even with a busy schedule.

Now is the time to set your 2023 goals and create an actionable plan. January will arrive and you’ll be ready to dive right in.

For just $27 dollars I’m going to teach you the process I use in my own business to consistently hit my goals - even with an ever-growing client base, two elementary-age kids, and a rental property company I run on the side.

Let's make 2023 the year that you set big goals AND achieve them. Click the button below to sign up now!


What clients say about my approach to goal setting.


Desi does a great job at breaking down how to FOCUS. I tend to go after too many things at once. I had already done a lot of planning, visioning, and income goals so I had a good idea of what my priorities and revenue goals are but this workshop helped me figure out exactly HOW I will get there and to focus on one big goal at a time.

Cristina Martinez - Cristina Isabel Design


Desi’s logic and in-depth explanations for how we can get past our own lack of confidence. Before the workshop I knew my mindset was often to blame for keeping me stuck, but the workshop has allowed me to tailor actionable steps that don’t seem as overwhelming! It doesn’t matter how big the goal is, small steps in the right direction will create opportunities. Outlining the small steps makes it manageable. I think any designer can benefit from learning how to make progress on a goal.

Kim Purvis - Aurora Decor


Before learning this process I would get stuck in research mode. Now I feel powerful because I am committing to making decisions and trust that I have what I need.

Goal setting now feels attainable because it makes sense and is practical. I don't feel like I need to be Wonder Woman on speed in order to reach my goals. It calms my "overwhelm" tendencies rather than adds to them.

Karin Winsweiler - Winsweiler Design

Read to make your goals as good as done?

Click the button below to pay $27 and reserve your spot.